Node Operator Blacklisting

When NodeSet uploads keys to a StakeWise vault, nodes are responsible for making the deposit transaction to finalize a deposit. Normally, Hyperdrive does this automatically. If there is something wrong with a node, however, this transaction may not be triggered. In this case, to unblock deposits for other operators, this node will be blacklisted by NodeSet and a new list will be uploaded to the vault without that user's keys included.

Users who are blacklisted will receive an email notification and added to a private support channel in our Discord server.

Note that being blacklisted is NOT the same as being expelled from NodeSet entirely. This is a StakeWise-specific status and it will be reversed once the problem is resolved.

Why was I blacklisted?

There are a few reasons this deposit transaction may have not triggered on your end:

  • There wasn't enough Ether in your wallet at the time to make the transaction. We recommend keeping ~0.01 ETH per validator in your node wallet to cover gas costs.

  • Your node was offline. If your node is offline (network connection issues, system powered down, etc), then it can't make this transaction.

  • Your node was not synced properly. If your node isn't synced, it can't make transactions.

  • An issue with Hyperdrive itself, which may be resolved by updating Hyperdrive to the latest version or restarting it by running hyperdrive service stop and hyperdrive service start.

How can I determine the issue?

First, check the status of each service with hyperdrive service status and your service logs with hyperdrive s l. If you already have some validators active, you can check their performance by entering the public keys into (holesky) or (mainnet). If you don't see any obvious problems with your node, please post your StakeWise logs in the #blacklisted channel in our Discord server:

  • The StakeWise daemon API and Tasks logs are located in ~/.hyperdrive/logs/stakewise

  • The StakeWise operator log is retrievable with sudo cp $(docker container inspect hyperdrive_sw_operator -f {{.LogPath}}) ~/sw_operator.log && sudo chmod +r ~/sw_operator.log

Last updated