
With the NodeSet Dashboard, verified operators can sign up for an account, identify their nodes to the network, and connect to new opportunities. The Dashboard is currently in an early state and is available in at

Creating an Account

Anyone can create a NodeSet account, but only verified operators will have the correct permissions to connect their node and earn rewards.

To create an account, simply connect to the NodeSet dashboard with an Ethereum software wallet. We use the Sign In With Ethereum standard[1][2] for this, which allows users to sign a message with their wallet to prove identity without requiring a transaction. Currently, we support Metamask and WalletConnect, and users can associate multiple addresses with their NodeSet account or remove them later if necessary.

We recommend using a hot wallet to ensure easy access to the dashboard.

Do NOT use your node address to sign into the dashboard -- you will connect your node to your account in a separate step.

Once you've signed in with your hot wallet, you will be asked to provide an email for us to contact you about your account. This should be the same address you used to apply for NodeSet. If you want to use a different one instead, you must contact us to receive the correct permissions.

Last updated