Security Information

If you wish to report any security-related issues, please email us directly at [email protected]


Constellation was audited for three months by three teams of leading independent security professionals. To read the full reports, please see the Constellation repository's audits directory.

Bug Bounties

Note that, in order to be eligible for a bug bounty, you must provide a proof of concept and, if necessary, work with our developers to successfully demonstrate the issue.

Rewards for successfully replicated issues in the Constellation smart contracts are awarded according to severity as classified by the Immunefi Vulnerability Severity Classification System for smart contracts:


The following smart contracts in the contracts/Constellation directory of the Constellation repository are in-scope:

  • Directory.sol

  • MerkleClaimStreamer.sol

  • SuperNodeAccount.sol

  • OperatorDistributor.sol

  • WETHVault.sol

  • RPLVault.sol

  • Whitelist.sol

  • PoAConstellationOracle.sol

  • PriceFetcher.sol

ONLY the most recent version of contracts deployed on mainnet are in scope. Currently, this is v1.0.0.

Independent Mediator

Riley Holterhus serves as an independent mediator in case there is a disagreement between the white hat and NodeSet about the severity of bug reports for Constellation.

Last updated